Official residing in Containment Zones shall submit a ‘self declaration’: Railway Board Order reg reporting of Officials in Lockdown

Official residing in Containment Zones shall submit a ‘self declaration’: Railway Board Order reg reporting of <a href=Officials in Lockdown" width="564" height="680" />

Attention is invited to Office Orders No. 25, 30 & 32 of 2020 containing instructions regarding reporting of Officials in Board’s Office during lockdown period. In these instructions, it has been advised that Officials residing in Containment Zone as demarcated by states/district administration will not attend office.

2. Officials who are residing in containment zones are, therefore, advised to submit a “self-declaration” to this effect to their Reporting Officers concerned and G (Acc.) Branch. The concerned Branch in-charge may also review the status in respect of their Branches/Directorates.

3. Strict compliance of the above may be ensured.

(T. Srinivas)
Railway Board

New Delhi, dated 06/05/2020

All officers/staff in Board’s office at Rail Bhawan, Pragati Maidan and Daya Basti for information.