The North Carolina Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney organizes a drafted legal understanding to permit an appointed agent to make decisions on behalf of another concerning the declaring party’s financial or other associated matters. Issuing a durable POA extends the period of agency beyond a general arrangement, allowing the agreement to remain active if the granting principal becomes incapacitated. The form can be used to authorize the attorney-in-fact bestowed rights to execute documents, take action, or communicate for the declarant regarding their property/account holdings, insurance policies, legal proceedings, or tax matters. Proper notarization of the paperwork will be needed to verify the capacity of all participants at the time of signing.
Definitions – “Durable”- With respect to a power of attorney, the incapacity of the principal does not terminate the power of attorney (§ 32C-1-102(2)).
Signing Requirements – Notary supervision and endorsement are required to approve the transaction (§ 32C-1-105).
Revocation – § 32C-1-110
North Carolina Statutory Version
OpenDocs Version
Advance Directive (Medical POA & Living Will)
General (Financial) Power of Attorney